Adding to the frustration was that the average player doing all of this probably never had a shot at the title at all. If grinding up thousands of bug parts didn't drive you to the nuthouse, you'd probably lose it during your millionth consecutive run of Blackwing Lair in the fruitless pursuit of Elementium Ingots, or maybe at the 50th chimaerok kill without a tenderloin drop. You can see the now-vanished quest line in detail here at Wowpedia, and those of us who've done it will suppress a shudder looking back.

It's the least they could do, given the maddening grind that getting the Scepter entailed. That's right, folks: This is among the very few titles that NPCs think is worth some street cred. It's also among the few titles specifically referenced by NPCs, who can be overheard discussing both the Scarab Lord and the Hands of A'dal in awed tones as they defend Wintergarde Keep against an onslaught of undead. To this day, Scarab Lord is among the rarest and most prestigious titles in the game.

While it did have a wide array of battleground titles that reappeared later in Cataclysm, the one PVE title you could get from classic is pretty much the definition of inaccessible.

Classic World of Warcraft wasn't known for an abundance of PVE-related titles.