Every facet of Black Ops has been finely tuned and crafted to optimize the gameplay and fun factor with relatively limited technology. What really makes Black Ops a better games than prior CoD games on DS is the greater level of focus found throughout the game. However, just because Black Ops can’t stand toe to toe with the AAA shooters that dominate the console market, that doesn’t mean that it can’t provide an enjoyable experience that surpasses other DS shooters. Due to the technological limitations of the system, Black Ops cannot deliver the same level of intensity found in the console iterations, so the game ultimately feels behind the times with fewer, dumber enemies and much smaller levels. Just to get the through the bad news first, Black Ops retains some of the fundamental flaws that might have discouraged gamers from picking up its predecessors.

#Call of duty black ops ds hidden weapons series#
Fans of the series and handheld shooters in general will be pleased to know that this trend has continued, and Black Ops marks n-Space’s best effort to date.

Every year it has released a new title to coincide with the console releases, and each new game has improved noticeably. While Infinity Ward and Treyarch have spent the last few years trading off development duties on the console versions of the Call of Duty franchise, n-Space has had the responsibility of bringing the popular series to DS all on its own.